Price list

The price for a day rental of a motorcycle is 299 Euros

The price for a specific motorcycle brand Superbike and Supersport  is 399 Euros
All given prices are without V.A. T.

  • The price includes the availability of a mechanic, heating device, and a supporting frame
  • The tires may be provided by the borrower oneself alternatively they may be provided by us in the rental office.
  • In order to rent it is necessary to lay a down payment of 1000 Euros (per motorcycle of a specific brand of “Superbike and Supersport” which is 3000 Euros)  In case of the accident each motorcycle is equipped by the price list of all spare parts which is used in case of accident or fall by which the damage on a motorcycle has been rendered.  Additional 200 Euros is due to be paid for the labour connected with the repair. In case the cost of repair and the cost of the spare parts exceeds the value of the down payment the owner of the motorcycle is entitled for all expenses which must be paid  by the borrower/user.
  • In case there is an interest to ride on a racing track after 6 o’clock pm (18.00) it is also possible at the cost of 60Euros per 30 minutes (half an hour). The down payment of 1000 Euros has to be paid in such case as well.

You will find more information in the menu of the section Agreement


Price list of the Racing school

The totall price for one day of the recing school is 400 Euros


The given price is without V.A.T.

  • The price 400 Euros of one day racing school (lessons) is divided by the number of students attending the same day.
  • If the racing schools lessons happen to take place parallel with riding in any of the agencies those interested in riding in such case pay the fee to the agency for the riding with instructor

You will find more information on menu in the section of Agreement